Fitbit’s New Features: Everything We Know So Far

 The Fitbit’s new features offer lots of data about our sleep and heart rate activity. And now some of the Fitbit smartwatches and trackers will also suggest to you at which time you should go for rest. The daily readiness score also tells the users if they need to work out or not on a particular day. The daily readiness score consists of three components: Sleep data, heart rate variability, and daily activity. You can track all these three parameters via Fitbit’s new features. Here in the blog post, we have shared a piece of information about Fitbit’s new features for you.

Fitbit’s New Features

  • The new features suggest to the users when to work out and when to rest throughout the day.
  • The device will also measure the heart rate while you are in deep sleeping. The higher rate of Heart rate variability means that your body can easily switch between the rest and activity.
  •  The company also claims that the Fitbit smartwatches can monitor your HRV. When an individual feels stressed or onset of an illness, it will eventually impact the readiness to exercise.
  • The personalized daily readiness score will be available to the individual each morning and will advise the recommended activity levels for the day.
  • The primary purpose of these features is to help fitness enthusiasts and help them to improve the efforts that they are putting in everyday workouts.
  • The high score indicates that the users must require a workout that particular day. And if you get a low score, then it indicates you need rest.
  • Even if you put more effort into a particular day of workout, it will suggest you take a rest to avoid injuries.

Final Thoughts

These new features work on certain conditions, like the users must opt-in within the Fitbit app. Next, the users must wear the smartwatch for four days before receiving their first score. To track their heart rate variability and sleep, users must wear the tracker or smartwatch overnight. And these features will generate expected results within 14 days. We like these new features in Fitbit watches and trackers and hope you too like them. We also recommend you! Try these fitness trackers and smartwatches and monitor some of your body’s parameters.

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